After we created a plugin in part 1 we now want to install our Plugin to our Vue.js App
This article consists of two parts:
- Writing the Plugin
- Installing the Plugin– you are here
Create a Vue App
Probably you don’t need this step because you already have a Vue App running, but this is a tutorial, so let’s create a new one with Vite.
yarn create vite my-vue-app --template vue-ts
// npm
npm init vite@latest my-vue-app -- --template vue-ts
This will create a new Vue App with Vite as a build tool. Vite also includes a very fast dev server.
Register our plugin
Download plugin
Before we can install our plugin in Vue, we have to download it
// yarn
yarn add @skuhnow/vue3-plugin-typescript
// npm
npm install @skuhnow/vue3-plugin-typescript
Install our plugin
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
// Import the plugin
import {ColoredTextPlugin} from '@skuhnow/vue3-plugin-typescript'
// Tell Vue to install the plugin
.use(ColoredTextPlugin, { color: 'green'})
As you can see, the second parameter of the use
method are our plugin options ({ color: 'green' }
). This can be anything that we defined in our ColoredTextOptions
Test our plugin
If you haven’t already done it, install all dependencies and run the dev server
yarn dev
Now it’s time to test our plugin. To do so, just use our new Headline
component in one of our templates
<headline>This is a green text</headline>
You can also access the options with the global variable $coloredText
Either in your source
export default {
created() {
or in your template
{{ $coloredText }}
The output will in both cases will be
{ "textColor": "green" }